1. Ownership and Investment:
    • RESCO Company: A Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) owns and finances the solar power system.
    • End User: The end user (often a business or a homeowner) does not own the system but benefits from its electricity.
  2. No Upfront Costs:
    • The end user typically incurs no initial capital expenditure for the solar installation. This eliminates the barrier of high upfront costs.
  3. Payment Structure:
    • Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): The end user pays for the electricity generated by the solar system at a predetermined rate. This rate is often lower than the local utility’s electricity tariff.
    • Lease Agreement: Alternatively, the end user may pay a fixed lease amount for the use of the solar system, regardless of the amount of electricity produced.
  4. Maintenance and Operations:
    • The RESCO is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the solar system. This ensures that the system remains efficient and any issues are promptly addressed.
  5. Long-Term Contracts:
    • Contracts typically range from 15 to 25 years, providing long-term stability in energy costs for the end user.


  • Cost Savings: Users can benefit from lower energy costs compared to traditional grid electricity.
  • Risk Reduction: The RESCO handles the risks associated with the installation, maintenance, and performance of the solar system.
  • Sustainability: Facilitates the adoption of renewable energy sources and contributes to environmental sustainability.


  • Contract Length: The long-term nature of the agreements might not suit all users.
  • Tariff Rates: The cost of electricity under a PPA might increase over time, depending on the agreement terms.


The RESCO model is versatile and can be applied in various settings, including residential, commercial, and industrial environments. It’s particularly useful in regions where capital for solar investments is limited or where businesses and homeowners prefer to avoid the complexities of system ownership.

Overall, the RESCO model is a powerful tool for accelerating solar adoption by making it more financially accessible and less risky for end users.

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